The interview was received by the United States. Kushner cites his own relatives’ experience in the Holocaust as proof that he profoundly understands anti-Semitism and does not believe Donald Trump near qualifies. The Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project conducted the interview with Dana Schwartz on April 18, 1983. His white-supremacist supporters are listening. Whether he’s a racist person or whether Republicans will just blame other Americans for being overly politically correct, this is a man who said that Mexicans are sending over rapists, or pointing out “my African-American over there.” There’s a laundry list of these casual-what he makes seem casual-but incredibly charged ideas that, if they seem like nothing to him, that’s incredibly ignorant. In this case, it’s an active campaign, in my mind. Dana worked as a writer for Mental Floss, The Observer, and Entertainment Weekly, with additional bylines for GQ, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, and.

It’s not so much an unfortunate coincidence of policy. I think Donald Trump, in his rhetoric and in the images he tweets out, is making very clear that he is establishing himself as the candidate of racists. I think it goes beyond the bloc of supporters. So why should Trump be more responsible for the presence of these people in his party than any other candidate? Playing devil’s advocate a bit here: both Democrats and Republicans throughout their history have often relied on bigots and racists in their voting blocs. Whether it was an accident or on purpose, they’re both equally bad in my mind. But he’s a charming man who’s willing to court and take advantage of white-supremacist voters, either blatantly, with multiple tweets from white-supremacist sources and #AmericaFirst, or so carelessly that it makes me afraid that he would give those hateful groups so much space and leeway to operate. And he leans into it by saying the reason that you think Donald Trump is anti-Semitic is because you’ve never met him. But I will say, there’s obviously a bias. I’ve never met any of them, so I don’t know what they’re like in person. I think he’s seeing a father-in-law that he’d better keep his mouth shut and support. los angeles, ca Born January 7 Joined July 2011 1,848 Following 202. 1 new york times bestselling author of ANATOMY: A LOVE STORY. What do you think Kushner sees in that test? Dana Schwartz (DanaSchwartzzz) / Twitter Dana Schwartz DanaSchwartzzz writer of TV, books, comics, and podcasts. Let’s work under the hypothesis that Trump is a Rorschach test and not anti-Semitic. and publicity for the campaign that he can’t make a human argument befitting what I would hope to be a man of his intelligence. It also makes me sad that he lives in a bubble of P.R. It makes me wonder if he even reads his paper, first.

I even say in my article that I don’t think Donald Trump is an anti-Semite.